Thank you Lethbridge for all your support
The work to build a stronger Lethbridge has only just begun. Stay tuned.
A Stronger Lethbridge, Together
Oki, Hello, and Bonjour,
I am running for Lethbridge City Council because I truly believe in how special our city is. I’m running because I believe in the strength of our community. I see this everyday through my work with the COVID-19 Community Support Circle - a Facebook group I founded and continue to co-administer alongside other incredible community leaders.
Over 5200 members in Lethbridge and Southern Alberta have supported one another since the beginning of the pandemic through acts of love and kindness, and it has been a great privilege to be a part of that community support. I see this in the community-building work done by the many diverse communities that make up our city. The work of Sage Clan to support Lethbridge citizens dealing with tough challenges. The work of Sisters in Spirit and Reconciliation Lethbridge to honour the land we reside on and to honour the importance of truth and move forward on the path of reconciliation, together. The work of grassroots groups and organizations committed to a stronger Lethbridge, together.
The pandemic continues to demonstrate how too many of our friends and neighbours have been struggling to meet their needs. As our city grows, so does the need for comprehensive community supports. We can build on existing services and take a leadership position to bring affordable childcare, affordable housing, open community spaces like parks and libraries and a transit system that works for everyone to all who need it. I know there is already great work being done and I am so excited about the thoughtful, compassionate approaches folks are bringing to the table to find sustainable ways to meet these needs. But, there is much more work to be done.
My experience working in our community and in fast-paced, policy-driven environments will be an asset at City Hall. I have a proven track record of community leadership in Lethbridge and will bring my experience, commitment and passion to Lethbridge City Council. Because we can build an even stronger Lethbridge, together.
A Platform to Build On
Building Strength by Living with Dignity
With the pandemic forcing the closure of public spaces like our libraries - Lethbridge’s housing crisis has been more present and more seen than ever before. In the most recent budget priority survey, 21 percent of people noted that homelessness and affordable housing were strong concerns. Even more folks noted crime and addiction as major concerns. There is no shortage of evidence that demonstrates poverty is the root cause of crime and active addiction. But, beyond that, living in dignity is a right that everyone in Lethbridge should have access to.
A Stronger Community for Everyone
Access to community spaces throughout our city must be a priority. We have many great green spaces and parks that create vibrant places for people to gather and grow. We can support the use of these spaces by finding ways to make them more accessible. We can grow community spaces in neighbourhoods by working with the people who live there to learn what they need. By investing in community spaces that meet the needs of the people living in those neighbourhoods, we are investing in a stronger Lethbridge that works for everyone.
Growing Stronger by Caring
Lethbridge is home to many families that choose to make this city their home because of the incredible benefits it offers. As a parent myself, I know that there are challenges in accessing affordable, high-quality early education child care and in using our transit system to get around town. By investing in affordable child care, and partnering with organizations already doing this work, families with diverse child care needs can find affordable, high-quality child care that works for them. By investing in sustainable, free transit that gets people where they need to go, we can build a stronger Lethbridge that supports us all in meeting our social and economic needs while reducing air pollution that contributes to the climate crisis.
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