Building Strength by Living with Dignity

Immediate Investment in Transitional Housing and Safe, Maintained Affordable Housing


It is impossible to get a job when you are unhoused. It is challenging to access AISH or Income Supports. The risks of complex health issues are higher for those without stable, high-quality housing - putting a strain on our medical services and leaving people in pain.

There are strong, successful examples of housing initiatives working in other cities. We can look to Medicine Hat as a regional leader. Lethbridge is already a leader in many ways. Lethbridge service agencies do incredible work to support unhoused folks and folks living in vulnerable and unstable housing situations. There are great projects in the works, but our city needs to do more and that requires leadership on the municipal level. 

Our city has identified transitional housing as a need, and there are agencies working to fill that need. The city government needs to support that by prioritizing and investing in immediate transitional housing and ensuring comprehensive wrap-around services that get people into safe housing in a sustainable way - supporting them in accessing financial resources, health and well-being. We also need to expand affordable housing in our city and work with housing providers to ensure that housing is safe and meets the standard we all expect. We can innovate, and lead the way in finding new ways to support affordable, safe and well-maintained rental accommodations by working with Lethbridge Housing Authority, private homeowners with tenants and encouraging housing co-operatives. 

Affordable, safe and maintained housing builds stronger communities. It builds diverse, inclusive neighbourhoods where all are welcome. It is my top priority, and if elected to city council I will work diligently to make this priority a keystone to building a stronger Lethbridge, together.

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A Safe Space for Everyone

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Like many, many communities Lethbridge has seen the devastating impact of addiction and homelessness on our community members. We all deserve a safe, warm, dry place to go to when the temperatures drop or the southern Alberta sun raises the heat. The City of Lethbridge can lead with compassion by working with our city’s incredible agencies and organizations to create a daytime space that meets the immediate needs of people in our community. If elected, I will work within our city’s existing infrastructure and with partners to look at how we can create a day-time space that is welcoming and offers access to medical and dental care, lockers for belongings, a place to clean up and access to existing services and resources. This must be a priority for our city, and our city can demonstrate the strength of our community by making it a reality.